What have I Done Today?
- Presented myself, the lightly framed design process and Open Space Technology at the #SOUhack at the National Library of Sweden.
- Mingled, talked and explored with participants at the #SOUHack.
- Observed how groups work with digital tools in a totally open and unfacilitated space.
"Waffles are Just Pancakes with Abs" - Unknown
What Tools have I Used?
- ORJI (E. Schein)
- Short speech
- Asking Good Questions
How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today?
I feel so inspired and empowered to be doing this and see how what I
It feels like a lot of my (unwritten and undocumented) hypotheses have been confirmed regarding how a totally unstructured and open process takes place during a hack event. It has given a lot of data that I need to analyse and make more sense of. These kind of events are also extremely good sessions for scrimmage on leading processes and asking the system what it needs to move forward.
What Surprised Me?
- What surprised me the most was that I really wanted to step in to intervene in the process and support the participants to “do better”. But as intended I managed to stay quite non-intervening a part from a couple of times.
What has Changed?
- My view on how I can support events to create more powerful processes and great learning experiences for hosts and participants.
What are the Next Action Steps?
- Going back to Kaospilot in Aarhus.
- Catching up with unfinished and unpublished daily journal logs.
- Sending some important e-mails.
- Sleeping properly!
Photographs by The Commons.