Cross Team Culture!

- The Power of Cross-Generational Stories

Posted by Mattias Axell on September 17, 2015

What have I Done Today?

  • Finished reading the chapters from Theory U.
  • Joined the first Theory U.Lab in Aarhus at Kaospilot.
  • Had dinner across the teams at Kaospilot!
"A disruptive change affects not only our outer world, but also our inner self. Such moments bring our world to a sudden stop. They may be terrifying, but they also constitute a great blank space that can be filled in one of two ways: by freezing and reverting to the patterns of the past, or by opening us up to the highest future possibilities." - Otto E. Scharmer

What Tools have I Used?

  • Mindfulness
  • Deep Listening
  • Storytelling
"The leadership disconnect. We collectively create results that nobody wants because decision-makers are increasingly disconnected from the people affected by their decisions." - Otto E. Scharmer

What Surprised Me?

  • The ambiguity and applicability of Theory U to my project and whatever I do!
  • The power of doing mindfulness together with 35 000+ participants at the same time located all around the Planet!
  • How valuable it is to just share random stories with each other as a means to get to know each other. Extremely powerful!

What has Changed?

  • Continuing with the reading of Theory U.
  • Starting to look more at systemic intervention in systems.
  • My interest in tapping into the diversity of the newest team at the school.

What are the Next Action Steps?

  • Starting to read Chapter 3 of “Leading from the Emerging Future” by Otto E. Scharmer.
  • Doing the Theory U exercises, like trying an empathy walk!
  • Keeping on to tell stories in different ways!

Photographs by The Commons.