What Have I Done Today?
Read around twenty pages in the second chapter of the book "Building Trust - in busienss, politics, relationships and life" by Robert C. Solomon & Fernando Flores.
Finished two Scope Wheels. Figured out there are at least to more to do. Did not have time to finish scan cards.
Had a pre-meeting with my a part of my Learning Community.
Did a videocall with a potential team member for my third year project.
Ran through the first learning community feedback session together with most of my peers.
There is so much beauty that I can extract from myself in terms of skills and learning goals!
What Tools have I Used?
- Scope Wheel
- Mindmap
- Habitica (GTD)
- Pomodoro Technique
What Surprised Me?
That I need to dive much deeper into what the gift I am asked for by the curriculum should contain.
I need to extract much more of what I want to learn and practice for my exam project. My idea is to see myself going forward a lot with that exploration throughout the upcoming days. I think I know a lot about about what I need to practice but I do know more can unfold.
Kids should be allowed to break stuff more often. That's a consequence of exploration. Exploration is what you do when you don't know what you're doing. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
What has Changed?
The thoughts I have on what I need to create in order to do 'enough' and more for the school. It does not need to be something entirely new out of nothing and tonnes of research in order to be a valuable and creative concept. However I can really develop what has already been established.
My view on myself and how I communicate to make myself understood when I talk to people and present things. I got great positive feedback today.
No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don't ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
What are my Next Action Steps?
- Diving into myself with e.g. a SWOT
- Creating Learning Goals
- Planning the Research Phase thoroughly
- Vocalizing skills I would like to practice within different projects
- Making another two Scope Wheels
- Doing those first 10 Scan Cards I didn’t get to do today…!
Photographs by NASA on The Commons.