- Get back in working mode again after the holidays
Desired Outcome
- Caught up with
- Catch up with e-mails
- Co-work with an old friend
- Continue detailed synthesizing some research
- Talk with Rasmus Hviid Bach, Team 20, Kaospilot.
- Finish some tasks that have been waiting since before holidays.
Rules and Roles
- Use Pomodoro Technique!
- Drink water!
- 09.00 - 17.00
What have I Done Today?
- Caught up with majority of e-mails, sent more that came.
- Continued organizing contact data for all public bodies.
What Tools have I Used?
- Pomodoro Technique
How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today?
- I feel great to be back on track. The project feels like I have a burning excitement to launch in alpha or beta phase. Which I can do soon. And I have an idea of how to do it.
What Surprised Me?
- I think the amount of time it takes to get back in to a working phase. Also studying with a friend made me continue working until 22.00, but there was lots of personal things I took care of as well.
What has Changed?
- In a way I believe that my energy in the project has taken another shape. I’m curious to explore it. I also realise I feel I need to make my learnings more concrete and visual so I will figure out how to do that.
What are the Next Action Steps?
- Plan the spring for third phase of project.
- Collect and organise all public bodies in one .CSV file and make specific adaptation for the import to the project platform
- Decide whether to do the webinar in February or not.
- Revise translation for Voice Over recordings for project movie on Wednesday the 8th.
Photographs by The Commons.