What have I Done Today?
- Attended a lecture by Morten Nottelmann. It was about how to network and build great relationships that may sustain.
- Worked on sending e-mails.
- Started looking into what to do for Museum of Now.
- Enjoyed a “X-Team Dinner” with different people from Team 20, Team 21 and Team 22 at Kaospilot. It is quite a tradition in order to build a good spirit and get to know people among the teams.
What Tools have I Used?
- Listening
- Graphical Recording
How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today?
I felt good and stable today but also like I was working without intention.
It feels that I have really got some perspectives on networking and how powerful it can be for my project.
The project feels alright, I managed to get quite a lot of e-mails away.
What Surprised Me?
- Is how much deeper I can look into the idea of networking.
What has Changed?
- Being more conscious on how I do networking and how I feed energy into my networks.
What are the Next Action Steps?
- Create Scan Cards
- Talk to Erik Borälv, Angela Yong and Robin Harms Oredsson.
Photographs by The Commons.