What have I Done Today?
- Talked with David Lindeby at Experio Lab which works with design thinking in health care, it is owned by Landstinget i Värmland.
- Spoke to Mikael von Dorrien at Nordic Innovation regarding the NASA hackathon in 2013, and NI’s work on Nordic Open Data strategy and challenges.
- Called the intrapreneur Johan Bäckman at Tele 2 who was one of the initiators of the Tele 2 Hackdays concept.
- Got sparring from teamleader Pete Sims together with the denim genius Otto Kubista.
- Packed down my stuff and made myself ready to head off for autumn vacation.
What Tools have I Used?
- Situational Methodology
- The Mise en Place
- Feedback
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Humble Inquiry
How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today?
I feel good today however I am troubled by how to design the learning design. I feel it can easily be a task where I try to complicate things and lock myself down.
It feels like the project can have progressed quite a lot in just a day through some calls although these are not ensured steps forward but very promising opportunities.
What Surprised Me?
- How much time I spent on not doing anything productive about the learning design, but when I actually took some time it started making sense. It also surprised me how great the connections were in my calls.
What has Changed?
- I believe that my feelings regarding Learning Design has changed, the way I see it has to be done. I believe it can be quite an enjoyable puzzle to put down after fall vacation.
What are the Next Action Steps?
- Get on my way to Stockholm.
- Take some time off for fall vacation.
- Enjoy the weekend!
Photographs by The Commons.