- Explore my field through active scanning and interviews & write project draft
Desired Outcome
- 40 Scan Cards
- Project Draft
- Talked with Erik Borälv, Angela Yong and Robin Harms Oredsson
- Talk with Erik Borälv at VINNOVA regarding FrågaStaten-project and
- Write Project Draft
- Talk with Angela Yong at SMHI regarding a potential collaboration.
- Make 40 Scan Cards
- Talk with Robin Harms Oredsson.
Rules and Roles
- Better done than perfect.
- Interviewer
- 09.00 - 17.00
What have I Done Today?
- Talked with Erik Borälv.
- Made 0 Scan Cards - I figure I cannot be very productive when working at school
- Did not talk with Angela
What Tools have I Used?
- Taking notes
How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today?
I feel quite bad, not making use of the hours of a day to the maximum extent is making me frustrated.
The project could really gain so much more if I was able to work with more intention and start implementing my learning drills.
What Surprised Me?
- How
What has Changed?
What are the Next Action Steps?
Photographs by The Commons.